Tuesday, November 05, 2013

My Lovely Stormy


Gonbawa ^_^

Syukur Alhamdulillah we meet again in this Beautiful November. Wonder why I said it’s Beautiful? That’s because it’s my birthday month. So happy ^__^  I will grew up and this 27, I’m completely 22 years old healthy girl. So please, Omedetou me!

So, today I just finish doing my works to create some beautiful, colorful rainbow pic with text and of course it’s all about my wonderful Stormy. Actually this is my thought about how I see them in their individuality character. Of course the 5 of them is awesome and have the same level of popularity but for me, since people is difference, not always the same, so they have their own charm personalities which made why people love them as individuals. So, should I say the tittle of this? Here, there is TOP 10 THINGS ABOUT ARASHI MEMBER AS INDIVIDUAL.

Here we go for the first person,
Arashi no Riida, Ohno Satoshi san.. Dozou!

Or should I make the extra one for them as a group? 

Hmm… this is why we love them so much. See, how they love being always together and stick like a glue 24/7 like this. Okay, not to mention about Ohmiya here but… this is Arashi. I adores Fan service and 50% I believe it just fan service and 50% I guess it’s true hidden relationship but the fact is Arashi closeness is not a FAKE. For me as 6 years become Arashian, Arashi Relationship is the BEST.

And how to create wonderful friendship like them?

Trust, Understanding, Love, Caring and Appreciate. This is 5 importance things in Friendship.

Last pic I made myself, Beautiful Sakura Men.

So, that’s all about the Stormy today.
Hope u guys enjoying it ^____^
Thank you so much for reading.

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